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wows ifhe guide

If a ship you would like a build for is not listed, feel free to ask. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Best in-class torpedoes with the signature 610mm that have long range and high damage, Very good Concealment allows you to not only scout and outspot most other DDs, but also allows you to get relativly close to enemy ships to torpedo them without getting spotted, Hard hitting 127mm guns on most ships in the tech tree but also have rapid firing 100mm guns on a few of the higher tiered AA DDs that have ridiculous penetration with IFHE, Has exclusive access to Torpedo reload, allowing you to quickly double your DPM of your torpedoes by quickly reloading all your torpedo tubes, Squishiest ships in the class due to low HP pools, bar the AA DDs, which are more like small cruisers, Manouverabiliy is average for the class as a whole, with an average of 35 kts and rather long turning circles, which is even worse on the AA DDs, 120mm and 127mm guns have a compartively low RoF compared to almost all other nations DDs, meaning that missed shots are very punishing when trying to defend yourself from another ship, AA is quite terrible on these ships, even on the AA DDs, since they don't have Defensive Fire (for some reason...), Torpedoes have high detection range, making them easy to spot from a distance, Fantastic RoF on main battery guns allows you to usually come out on top in knife-fights with other DDs, Top-Tier Smoke, with long up-time and lasts for a long time, allowing for many tactical applications for their use, Concealment is 3rd in class, but still competetive overall, Only nation besides the Russian DDs that have Defensive Fire (though not very effective without dedicated builds nor do the AA guns themselves pack a punch until tier IX), Fast and very manouverable ships make them slippery targets, with an average speed of 36-37 kts, and turning circles that allow them to quickly turn on a dime, Main guns have awful muzzle velocity combined with lightweight shells, meaning anything outside 10km will quickly become difficult to hit with high arching shots, HP is rather average: not too beefy, not too squishy but enough that hits will be noticeable no matter where they come from, Torpedoes don't get good until tier VII, until then, they have very short range, limiting thier use and your options of dealing with larger ships, Gun firing arcs aren't the best due to heavy reliance of single gun mounts until tier X, meaning you have to show significant broadside if you want to use all of your firepower, High velocity guns makes shooting any target at any range, pretty comfortable, Best in class HP pools with some ships having access to repair party, Decent AA at higher tiers with the option of defensive fire, Very high speed ships with speeds at an average of 40kts, making them very difficult to hit when they have engine boost active, Worst in class torpedoes with the lowest range tier-for-tier, Awful firing arcs on some of the earlier ships due to single gun mounts, Rather large ships overall, with poor concealment as a result, Fast reloading torpedo tubes that do decent damage and have increasing range as you progess upwards in the tech tree, Have access to German Hydro starting at the mid-tiers that allows you to spot torpedoes and bully DDs out of smoke or use smoke plus hydro as a way to ward off enemy DDs, 2nd best in class HP pools allows you to trade HP and last longer in knife-fights, Awful AA with no Dual Purpose guns until tier IX, which even then, they're not good in their own right, 2nd worst in class concealment, making it difficult to push into areas against DDs that have better concealment, Rather sluggish ships with large turning circles, Have poor firing arcs due to reliance on single-mount guns until tier IX, Potent 120mm guns that hit hard and have great RoF while still having good muzzle velocity, and high tier ships have 114mm guns that have insane RoF, 2nd best in class, hard-hitting torpedoes that can be single-launched, allowing you to punish ships that try to go bow-in to you, Fast reloading smoke with double the charges compared to other nations that don't last long, but allow you to quickly break engagment and allows you to constantly smoke up and fire on ships before repositiong to do so again, Have RN DD Hydro from tier VI forward, allowing you to spot torpedoes and ships at a fixed range; mostly used as a defensive tool due to short spotting range of ships, 3rd best in class HP, allowing you to come out on top of your Japanese and even US contemporaries, 2nd best in class concealment, which is very competetive due to how lethal your guns are to other DDS, Have RN acceleration built into the ships, allowing you to quickly get moving if stopped or reversing, Short range torpedoes means you can't really stealth torp until tier VI, but even then you have a small 1.0km buffer zone that gradually gets better at the higher tiers, but is still rather short ranged, limiting your options against heavier ships until they get close to you, Does not have access to Engine boost unlike all other nations DDs, and combined with the average speed of 35 kts means they can't really catch up and hunt down other DDs that run away from you, nor does that mean you can easily run away from a bad situation, Both tier IX and Tier X ships require IFHE to damage 19mm plating of most tier VIII-X DDs, in which they otherwise need to use AP, Most ships have similar characteristics to other nations ship, making the line very unique in that there is no linear performance of all ships in the tech tree compared to other nations, Have deep-water torpedoes that have very low detection range, allowing you to catch ships off guard with stealthy torps that limit reaction times to around 5 sec or even less, Have access to 7.5km radar at tier VIII-X, allowing you to work in conjunction with other DDs to flush out enemy DDs in smoke, Competetive concelament of most ships, allowing you to do about as well as USN ships but, Smoke is unique in that it has a long activation time but short up-time, allowing you either do walking smokescreens or just laying massive walls of smoke to blind your enemies and cover a reatreat (and or blind your whole team too...), Due to most ships being different from another, your overall playstyle won't really even out until tier VIII-X which are like USN DDs, but everything before that being either Russian, German, or British, Deep-water torpedoes cannot hit other DDs, meaning that other DDs can bum-rush you and torp you with the only option is to run, making it hard to hold capture points if you get bullied out by other DDs, Opting for radar leaves you without smoke. Viral FB Commissions. Today I bring you guys my guide to German battleships in 2020, enjoy! You just need to learn which ships you can take advantage of with it. As for second-order skills, I believe you can make your own decision, though I’ll try giving a list of recommended second-order skills for your consideration. Armor in World of Warships is not just a uniform barrier to be pierced (like in World of Tanks), but rather a kind of multi-layered “cake” that covers a number of construction elements and mechanisms, each having specific armoring. The real "salt of the branch" starts with at least T6 IMHO. FdG has the same secondaries as Pommern, so it does need IFHE while GK does not as it does not have any 105's only 128's and 150's which base pen 32mm. Thanks! ... but in WoWs Physiks don’t matter, so all the other nations get more guns, with a better accuracy than the Germany nice. All rights reserved. The ship itself is good and I would say worth it. IFHE allows you to kill them with HE if you see one in the open and are angled to you. 180 mm HE benefits less from IFHE because of a more drastic relative reduction in fire chance for not much gain in both absolute and impactful damage output The only secondary weapons that may benefit from IFHE are German 105 mm secondaries with 26 mm base penetration, however, they give up a lot of fire chance for the ability to penetrate up to and including 32 mm plating, which is … I found Flamu's guide for BBs and DDs but he didn't put one out for cruisers. Turn a single FB post into cash without spending a dime! 16 shells per salvo, 4.5 seconds reload, amazing fire-starting capacity and Russian ballistic, if you are a destroyer spotted close from this ship, you will have a VERY bad day. Any tips or videos for captain skills? ; Class getting started — Beginner guides for each of the different classes. Current penetration and IFHE Currently, armor penetration of HE shells is determined by taking the gun size / 6, rounding, and subtracting 1. It's been a while since I've seriously played. ; Choosing a class — Analysis of each of the available classes. In this part of the Guide, I’ll cover the selection of Commander Skills for high-tier Battleships (both linear, promo and premium) for both ordinary and Unique Commanders in World of Warship (In this guide on World of Warships, I mostly cover first-order skills for Battleships. A good example of this is 127 mm guns. Your Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Pow Wows Thanks to: ... wows that the dancers are in the center of a circle, the drums and the audience form a circle around them, and the concessions and encampment form another circle around the gathering. 2021-01-24 commander skills are updated. If you're some kind of fun hating puritan, drop IFHE, PM, and MFSAA. Is it worth completely abandoning any kind of concealment? Press J to jump to the feed. Please do not use IFHE on any ships with a caliber of 203mm or above. The toprs don't do alot of damage so you need to make them count when shooting them...they are fast at 69knots and go 10.5km range. By the start of World War II,Bismarckwas one of the mightiest battleships in the world, owing to his advanced gun fire control system and powerful artillery. That might also have justified the price as the torps (which are situational, easily and often destroyed, not always a guaranteed kill, maybe if they were 2×5 or smth like that) and the guns (wonky, very imprecise, terrible angles and meh pen, less overmatch than 406's) don't really offer enough over FdG. An item is a conceptual object in the player's head, not an object in the game world, although an item may also have an object associated with it. While the American secondary BBs rely on fires for damage, the Germans really need the shell alpha, so IFHE is probably worth it if you plan on fully committing to the secondary build. Should the US lights use IFHE? IJN DD's tend to create torp sniping DD's players who dont learn detection cushion strats and gun strat. The dancer will also lose points ifhe/she is unprepared and not fully dressed for the contest. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. With guns. Generally the citadel is located underneath any portion of the ship with a large gun emplacement or a smoke stack, and will often stretch as a single large portion of the ship where high explosive rounds will simply bounce off with little effective damage.Given the proper aim a citadel penetratio… However, with a 10pt (or 19pt if you are a hard core seal clubber) captain, you cant spec AFT and BFT (and IFHE and DE) on the Bogatyrs 130mm guns, transforming the Bogatyr into the Boga-tears-of-the-BB as you burn down the enemy at 14km. Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418. ; 2020-04-30 Google Ad enabled by default while making adjustment. If you compaare this with the differences between Iowa and Georgia (better guns, better secondaries, better heal, better DCP, speed boost making her faster than some DD's) you can see the discrepancy in price justification. Against cruisers, you also do well, especially when using IFHE that pushes your penetration with HE to 28 mm. The final cost of virtual goods may vary depending on the selected payment method. slighlty off the topic try to transfer your captain from previous ship to an other so you can have quickly a lvl 10 captain on any line you grind. Gunboats. One of the Largest HP pools of all tech-tree Tier VIII Battleships. There was almost no drawback. Mogami: What commander skills and modules do you recommend (including coal ones)? Tier VIII Japanese Cruiser Mogami Replay Related Ship… Continue reading Bonus Info! USN DD's have a tendancy to be mid teir grinds that run off some newer players from ever getting to high teirs because they don't do anything good for the most part until high teirs. why calibur all over the forums, why not "caliber"? Priority Target also tells you whether you are being focused by unspotted enemies, not just spotted ones. Yes, that’s why Flamu and others recommended IFHE for BB59. An item is something that a World of Warcraft player character can carry, either in their inventory, represented by an inventory icon, or tracked on a page in the character sheet. my eyes bleed. 127/6 = 21.16667, which is rounded down to 21. and for that reason Bogatyr is my t3 pick All copyright materials provided by Wargaming.net are owned by Wargaming.net. ; Talent builds — Important talents for each class; Travel guide — How to get there! Contact EdibleBug on Reddit for service related issues. I think IFHE actually makes sense on the Pommern, as it has lot of 105s, which at T9, start to suffer when trying to pen BBs and CAs. Commander Skills World of Warships - full descriptions for the WoWS commander skills, play the free multiplayer pc game about battleships with your friends Maybe T8. IFHE will help tremendously in random battles from T2 all the way to T10. It is a LARGE list of ships by the way. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. RU DDs don't profit from IFHE. However, that means you can't take any survivability skills, where FdG and GK can drop IFHE because they don't have many 105s. This is the thickness of armor that will shatter the shell, so penetration is 20 mm. Hey all, I'm pretty new, so i am wondering which nation has the best destroyers; their strengths and weaknesses etc.? Made some reaseach and found that vet Mogami players rather use 155 and IFHE and Demolition expert is a must, as your damage should come mostly from HE fire. Russian DD's tend to create players who don't ever learn torp angles because you are rarely in range to use them. A game about huge boats. ; 2020-06-11 Ship Comparison added for testing. All Z-52 stats BTW. A projectile that enters the ship can encounter up to four or five layers of armor and … Discuss the skill and what I think is the problem, hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll catch you next time! To achieve better results select the specified first-order skills in that particular order. WoWS Encounter a DD....Drop smoke hit the breaks pop hydro shoot your torps and commince to pelt the DD to death with 3.2 sec reload in the Z-52. As I already said before, her firepower is incredibly strong. To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method. In this guide on World of Warships, I mostly cover first-order skills for Battleships. World of Warships official customer service center. This is a secondary build OHIO without IFHE, after the IFHE rework. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Builds for specific ships are mentioned at the bottom of the guide. Insert Noooo A bb can’t kill a dd with secondaries meme, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WorldOfWarships community. Target also tells you whether you are rarely in range to use.... To use them the open and are angled to you the bottom of the shortcuts... 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